
This is an open category, where we you can submit a project of your choice (research paper, model, software etc) that you have created/implemented using AI (either technical or not). Your submission must be in one of the categories mentioned and you can only submit one project for this track.


  1. AI & Art: You can focus on a range of topics that mix AI with creative processes like art generation, music, fashion, content writing, social media, and more. ****
  2. AI & Social Impact: You can focus on socially relevant topics in different fields like environment, education, politics, mental health, and more.
  3. AI & Business: Leveraging AI to explore innovations in finance, start-up opportunities, and more.
  4. AI & Healthcare/Biology: Leveraging AI for medicine, healthcare, or at the intersection of computational biology.
  5. AI & Gaming: Leveraging AI to create games, creating responsive and adaptive character behavior, analyzing chances of winning, and more.

What Students Will Need to Submit

  1. A research paper/presentation AND/OR a working model of their project AND/OR an app/software they have created
  2. If a working model/app is submitted, you will also need to submit your code and a write up providing an explanation of your project
  3. If you’re submitting a research paper, please make sure you cite all your sources and it is formatted using Times New Roman, 12 sized font, single space.
  4. The naming convention while submitting your project is required to be “firstname_lastname_age_school.csv”. For example, Tony Stark, 15 years old, from Menlo School should save the file as: tony_stark_15_menloschool.csv.

<aside> 💡 Note: Students can work in groups (of up to 4) and submit a project together. Make sure to include all names on the project and in the application form!


What We Will Assess Projects On

  1. Originality
  2. Relevancy to category chosen
  3. Potential for real-world impact
  4. Use of AI and it’s concepts

Who will do the assessment