We're serious about our deadlines - they ensure that you're making progress towards the final paper and give you a roadmap for the program. However, we also understand that other things sometimes get in the way! To balance the importance of staying on track with the reality of unexpected events, we have an extension policy for all students during the course of the program.

At the start of the program, we share a schedule of all deadlines and workshops. Please read through this and note down the dates! They're important milestones for you to achieve in the program.

If you don't think you'll be able to make a deadline, you are expected to let us know as early as possible.

IMPORTANT: Please note that requesting more than 2 extensions over the course of your program will result in a drop of your letter grade in the evaluation of your final project (e.g. if you were originally going to get an A-, it will become a B+; if you were going to get a B+, it will become a B etc.)